Monday, February 20, 2023

Beatitudes and Progression - With Rewards (Matt 5, 3 Nephi 12)

POOR IN SPIRIT - recognizing I'm not where I want to be
THEIRS IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN - When I take the first step, I am free to enter His world

MOURN - processing the implications of the need to change
THEY SHALL BE COMFORTED - Looking over future hard things, one by one, and deciding they are manageable

MEEK - realizing that I have the power to choose to change
THEY SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH - I can have anything in the world I want if I choose it

HUNGER & THIRST - Choosing to change
THEY SHALL BE FILLED - Every future act in the new direction fills me

MERCIFUL - not beating myself up for not having changed earlier
THEY SHALL OBTAIN MERCY - I obtain mercy because I'm in charge of choosing to extend it to myself

PURE IN HEART - single-mindedly focused on the work of becoming the new person I want to become
FOR THEY SHALL SEE GOD - I see in myself His image in my countenance

PEACEMAKERS - gently & diplomatically handling other people who resist my change
THEY SHALL BE CALLED THE CHILDREN OF GOD - I treat them the way God's Son would treat them

PERSECUTED - realize it's a reflection on the persecuters, not on me
THEIRS IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN - I now live in His world, seeing others as He sees them

REVILED - it doesn't even cause me to doubt or hesitate anymore. I'm so focused on who I want to become that I don't think about the revilers.
GREAT IS YOUR REWARD IN HEAVEN - The reward is that being like Him is habitual and effortless

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