Monday, April 13, 2020


Having already done faith and hope, it's time for the third of the triad: charity

Charity - kindness

It's when you reach out to someone else with the sole intent of improving their situation.

Looking at the 24 times that "charity" is used in the New Testament, this definition only fails twice (1 Cor 13:4, 2 Pet 1:7), and only because charity is described as "kind". I suppose in these cases, I can think of it more specifically as "unselfish kindness", "sincere kindness", or "nonjudgmental kindness"

I'd always heard charity defined as "the pure love of Christ". I don't find that definition helpful. That definition feels discouraging, like if I don't love perfectly, then I've failed.

Kindness... I feel like I can do.

UPDATE: Charity includes being kind to myself, too.

UPDATE 8-3-22: Charity is effortless, habitual kindness

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