Saturday, January 29, 2022

Daily Ponderings: Our Glory

1 Thessalonians 2:20
For ye are our glory and joy.

I should seek transformation

I can be at peace with the amount and timing of my transformation

How do I reconcile believing I am amazing as I am, with how much personal improvement is yet undone?

Realize those are two different questions, in two entirely different contexts.

The idea that uncompleted transformation is a moral failing is a lie of the adversary. It's not a character flaw, it's just a tracking statistic. Improvement is not a destination, like New York City, it's a direction, like east. When have I traveled east enough? As long as I'm traveling east, I'm doing it right. How far I travel each day is the Lord's timing. Think "Around the World in 80 Days". Sometimes by train, sometimes by elephant, sometimes by walking.

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