Tuesday, March 31, 2020


I'm still pondering this a bit, but I'm pretty sure about this.

Priesthood power is generally described as "the power of God given to man on Earth to do His will", but I've also heard it described as the power by which the worlds were created. It's the same power, it's just that man is only delegated a tiny portion of it.

But this implies that all power in the universe is Priesthood power. Mechanical power, electrical power, nuclear power, spiritual power - all of it originates with God.

Which makes sense, because power is energy/time.

But... there is another source of power in the universe, it is man's power to choose. The power of agency. The power to choose, in the human realm, what work to do and for how long. This power also originated with God, but a portion was given to us, to be ours to keep and use, and He will never take it away. It will always be ours to use as we see fit.

And the best way to use it is to align it with all the other power in the universe and bend it towards doing His will.

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